A new report from Harper’s Bazaar confirmed today that Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber were going to have their very own reality television series. Justin and Hailey, who tied the knot in September 2018 and had an official wedding one year later, have a new program coming out called The Biebers On Watch.
Variety was the first to report that the new series, with 12 episodes, will showcase the couple’s married life near their Toronto home via GoPro footage. Reportedly, it’ll be on Facebook Watch, and new episodes will come out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for the following three weeks.
Moreover, Justin and Hailey will host a Facebook Live session every Friday. As you may know, every television program has what’s called a “pilot,” in other words, the very first episode of a series that producers show to a network for approval.
In the pilot, Hailey and Justin are in the very first episode of the Facebook Watch series, and Justin says to the camera to start off the show that he and his wife were going to show everyone what they’ve been up to lately.
Justin and Hailey’s romance appears to be going strong these days, but it hasn’t always been this way. Ashley Mitchell reported yesterday on the 4th of May, 2020, that the couple really struggled through tough times in the past.
In a new episode of the aforementioned series, Justin and Hailey talk about how difficult it was when they first broke up back in 2016. Hailey, in particular, said it was like a process of “grieving.” Justin, as well, said the breakup between them was “painful.”
When asked how she could trust him again, and more importantly, how did she cope, Hailey explained she just focused on herself and improving her own life.
As it was previously reported, the Biebers have struggled through a number of crises over the last few years, including when Justin found out he had Lyme disease after months of not knowing what was wrong with him.
Source: https://www.pulse.ng/